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Tunika Bluzka XXL Złota Krata

Tunika Bluzka XXL Złota Krata

74.99 PLN

  • 42
  • 44
  • 46
  • 48
  • 50

Weight of the selected item: 0.293 кг

Last items in stock

3-4 days delivery

30 days returns


All products purchased in the online store can be returned within 30 days of receiving the order.

Please note that only products with no signs of use are subject to return. We do not accept returns of products that:

  • They have a scent of perfume
  • They show signs of washing
  • They are stained with makeup

The condition of the returned product should be the same as at the time of receiving the parcel.

Safe online payments

Safe payments

The online store offers several payment methods for purchases:

Payment by bank transfer 'Przelewy24' logotype p24

It is an internet payment system. To use it, select the bank in which we have an account or a Visa or MasterCard. You must log in to electronic banking, use the SMS code or enter the CVC code, expiry date, and its number from the card.

BLIK payment logotype blik

After selecting this payment method, download the 6-digit code from the electronic banking or bank application and enter it in the appropriate field. Then we confirm the payment with the PIN.

Traditional bank transfer

After purchasing the products, in the order summary, you will see the details for the transfer with the account number that must be made for the package to be sent. These are the account number, address, the addressee. We make a traditional transfer via electronic banking, at a bank point, or via the application.

Payment on delivery

This method is based on paying for purchases when they reach us. Then we transfer the amount due to the courier and confirm it with a signature.

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